Edible Peace Patch Blogs

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Measuring in the garden

This week we worked to compound the last few weeks lessons related to the scientific method. It started with garden walks and asking questions, moving on to recording observations, and now measuring changes. Our students are really making strides in their confidence in the garden, they are more familiar with us and with the plants and are increasingly able to accurately describe what's going on in our little peace patch.

Each student has a plant they're focusing on. Here a student is checking in on their radish. This was one of the radishes we had planted at the very beginning of our time in the garden (about the second week), which is now almost ready to be picked. He was noticing things like the larger root, healthier leaves, and increased spread. He wrote all of this down and reported back to us in the group.

We've also begun to use the journals each week. This has really shown our students writing and drawing abilities. Having the opportunity to write down what they see and draw pictures is great practice! I'm impressed with their patience with spelling new words and courage to share their diagrams.

I love seeing how science, language arts, and art can all come together in the 25 minutes we have together on Monday mornings.

Here's to next week!

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